
The membership of the New England Railroad Club is comprised of professionals who work in the various fields associated with the railroad industry. They include the construction, operations, maintenance, and management of railroads, railways, or rail transit systems, as well as engineering, sales, marketing, procurement, legal, and all forms of consulting. The Club also accepts college students of engineering or business majors who are looking to pursue a career in the rail or transportation industry.

Currently the Club has approximately 300 members nationwide.

Applicants for membership are admitted by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. New Member application fee is $90. New Student Member Applications are accepted with copy of a valid Student ID.  Annual dues are $80.   Annual dues are waived for student members who provide a valid Student ID.  Dues paid by our members help to support our scholarship program.

Club members may access the Membership Directory, providing names, affiliation, and contact information for all of our members.

Prospective Members

Apply Online  OR Download Membership Form

Prospective Student Members

Apply Online OR Download Student Membership Form

Existing Members

Pay Dues Online  OR Download Dues Form