
The Executive Committee of the New England Railroad Club (including the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and the three preceding past Presidents), are elected at each annual meeting and serve for one year, or until their successors have been elected. The officers’ duties include receiving all subjects for debate and bringing them before the Club, voting on all applications for membership, collecting dues, and keeping records of all proceedings.

2024 Officers

John DeWaele
Co-Founder, Transload X

Vice President
Michael Rooks
Chief Railroad Officer

Stephanie Lavino*
Dagle Electrical Construction Corp.

Sarah McLaughlin
Atlantic Track

Assistant Treasurer
Michael Thomas*
Genesse Valley


Executive Board 2024

Anna Barry*, HNTB
Nathaniel Blake, AECOM
Jonathan Budzyna, Streamlined Design
Fred Chidester*, MTA-MetroNorth
Ryan Coholan, MBTA
Bruce Habberfield, Finger Lakes
Nate Kaplan, Go Rail
Joan Kovacevich*, Retired from GATX
Brian Moroney, WSP
Cynthia Scarano*, CSX
Mike Tetler *


Members Emeritus

Ben Clark*, Hobo Railroad
Dennis Coffey, Consultant – HNTB
P. Scott Conti*, Capital Properties
Thomas Egan*, Egan Consulting Group
Scott Howland*, STV/CTDOT
Charles Hunter*, Genesee & Wyoming
Peter Hughes, Atlantic Track
John H. Read, Retired
Jonathan Shute*, Transportation Services
David Rutkowski*, JAB Rail Services


*indicates past President